Friday, March 7, 2008

A morning with Sami

Lol, ok so I am watching my niece (Sami) today and she has kept me entertained for the two hours she has been here so far...

She helped me make breakfast, was very fascinated by Mike's (my home health care client) wheel chair... and absolutely loves the cat who is, surprisingly and thankfully ,being nice to her, at this exact moment right now she is yelling meow, meow, meow, come here, come right here... trying to get it to eat its food and water - I think this stemmed from the conversation at breakfast where she wanted the "meow" to eat her food and I said that the cat had its own food by the microwave which she duly discovered a few minutes ago...

She also saw some wild turkeys and was 'gobble-gobbling' them and quite frequently runs to the double doors on the deck to watch the deer eating hay...

she also learned how to play the slot machine downstairs and made me wish that it was real as she won three out of four times :o)

Now she is back to her movie, she found (gasp) that Mike had Monsters Inc. (her favorite movie) and he told her she could watch it if she wanted after he left for work - I told him that should make her very happy so after he left and I popped it in she squeals and says "I'm happy now"....

now she keeps changing the channel or turning the volume down and will go 'stop it, no, why, make it stop' :o)

and she just dumped all the cat food out of the dish and onto the floor for the 'meow' that she calls 'mity' (long i) it's name is mickey and now she is telling it to 'go outside' lol :D

I was going to add some pictures but the cord I thought belonged to my camera must not because it doesn't work so maybe I will add some pictures later...

1 comment:

Emily said...

Sounds like a fun day at Crazy Aunt Becky's :)


...sometimes that mountain you've been climbing
is just a grain of sand
and what you've been up there searching for forever
is in your hands
when you figure out love is all that matters after all
it sure makes everything else seem so small...

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