Friday, October 10, 2008

I miss my big, crazy, but fun and loving family! :o)

So I received some letters and pictures from my sister, Tracy, Jason, Emily, and Melissa and it made me soooooo homesick because I haven't seen them for so long - well I did see them enough to say hi and bye at the hayride :o) ... it is making me very excited for our Thanksgiving/Christmas time together... I think I am framing the pictures because I love them so much and am being very sentimental at the moment :D


Anonymous said...

And, most of all I miss my mother.

a day in my world said...

Yes, that too :D


...sometimes that mountain you've been climbing
is just a grain of sand
and what you've been up there searching for forever
is in your hands
when you figure out love is all that matters after all
it sure makes everything else seem so small...

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