Monday, June 30, 2008

School and more School

Wow, I haven't written on here for a while but I must say I have been rather busy... ;o)

I am just finishing up my EMT-B class and am taking my class written final exam tomorrow, I have my National Practical Skills test out on Wednesday over four stations:

Trauma, Medical, CAM (cardiac arrest management), and BVM ( bag, valve, mask - aka - airway management)

After passing those I am eligible to take my State/National boards so your prayers would greatly be appreciated

I had the wow factor of getting 90% and 92% on my practice boards (next to unheard of) but I still am not feeling that smart because my instructor put on a computer program in class that was a question and answer and a lot of the questions were the same - which is about the only reason why I did so well...

My instructor said that proved I was retaining knowledge and the questions on the board although not the same , will be similar so if I can keep a level head I should do fine - but it is still very nerve wracking :o)

I also signed up for ambulance operations this fall - a two week crash course on how to drive and operate an ambulance so I am looking forward to that- it sounds like fun ;D

As well as a phlebotomy class - that way I will have the option of working ambulance or working as an ER Tech.

another thing that I would like to add t0 my resume is a Wilderness Rescue Certification but I can't find any training programs around this area - or even in this state - but I'm sure there must be - especially around the Superior area/ St. Louis County (I think that includes the Boundary Waters as well???)

Does anyone know of any???

So ya, to sum it up at the moment I am working about 12 hours per day at my health care job, in school 6 hours Monday - Thursday, and work at the O.G. on Friday and Saturday afternoons - so that leaves me with homework and sleep - I have no idea why I'm not on here more :o)


All in a Day said...

Just wanted to say, "Hi, Becky!" :)

Emily said...

I'm so happy to finally hear from you!
Your crash course sounds long that is all you're crashing! *wink*
It's been a while. Hope everything is okay and you've caught up on your sleep.
Miss ya, will be praying for your boards. (you'll do fine)

Emily said...

Happy Birthday to you.... :)

Anonymous said...

It was July 8 yesterday and you did not blog your birthday so

Happy birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Becky
Happy birthday to you

For all interested, she got herself a new car as a present

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Becky
Happy Birthday to you

This young lady got a new car for her birthday. To and from herself!


...sometimes that mountain you've been climbing
is just a grain of sand
and what you've been up there searching for forever
is in your hands
when you figure out love is all that matters after all
it sure makes everything else seem so small...

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